Minecraft Almere Pampus Challenge Build
Here you will find more information about the challenge construction. Read the information carefully so that you are prepared to build the future Pampus district.
- Download the Minecraft Almere Pampus Challenge (.mcworld file) on the overview page and open it in Minecraft Education.
- Walk to the construction department in the Green Innovation Hub.
- Get inspiration.
- Start building by talking to Vivian.
- Build your idea/vision for construction.
- Save your Minecraft world on your Windows, Mac, Chromebook, Android and iPhone/iPad.
- Open your certificate and upload your world file with a pitch (short explanation).
Choose a challenge
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Can’t figure it out? Check our list of frequently asked questions
Are you a teacher?
Download the Lesson letter Minecraft Almere Pampus challenge or more information about the challenge construction. All age categories are included.